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Toppenish: Tech Time

Toppenish: Tech Time

Bring your mobile devices (laptops, tablets and cell phones) and your questions about technology to us!  Would you like to learn how to download a document to your device or how to attach a document to an email?  We'd be happy to help you learn how to navigate your device, use common apps, and accomplish daily tasks.  As you use your device throughout the month, jot down questions and bring them to us!   Pleaese note: we are not able to repair devices or deal with hardware issues.  

Friday, January 24, 2025 Show more dates
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
Library Locations:
Toppenish Library
  Adults/Adultos 19+     Teens/Adolescentes Ages 12-18  
  Special Events & Programs/Eventos y programas especiales  

Event Organizer

Teresa Obert

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